Treasure Hunt

From 2013 team DRO is organizing the game of  “Treasure Hunt”. It is an action that drives hundreds of people from Messara and the rest of Crete.
Through teamwork during the game, we have fun, and in the same time we are learning things about the history of Mesara. From 2017 we have put an extra rule, the team that manages to find first  the “hidden treasure” along with the prize inherits the responsibility to organize the treasure hunt of the following year.


Α/ΑΚυνήγι ΘησαΔΡΩνΗμερομηνία
11st Treasure Hunt "The Fates"03/03/13
22nd Treasure Hunt "Zapping"16/02/14
33rd Treasure Hunt "The secret of the Phaistos disc" 04/02/15
44th Treasure hunt "The time machine"09/02/16
55th Treasure Hunt "Inheritance"12/02/17
66th Treasure Hunt "Perfect Allibi"04/02/18
77th Treasure Hunt "Hangover"24/02/209
88th Treasure Hunt "Pirates of the South "16/02/2020
99ο Κυνηγι ΘησαΔΡΩν: “Fool in Love”.9th Treasure Hunt "Fool in Love"12/02/2023
1010° Κυνηγι ΘησαΔΡΩν: #epeteiako.”.10° Κυνηγι ΘησαΔΡΩν: #epeteiako.12/02/2024
1111° Κυνηγι ΘησαΔΡΩν: #Έλια. Η Θεά της Μεσαράς .11° treasure hunt event: Elia. The Mesara Goddess"16/02/2025


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